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Satisfying My Wanderlust with a Trip to Thailand

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if you’re like me, then you work crazy long hours and find that your work days easily creep their way into work nights all too often. it’s not because you HAVE to work late it’s because you want to. you truly do enjoy what you do.

everyone has a reason WHY they grind. maybe you’re supporting an amazing family. maybe you have a competition with yourself to improve every year. Or maybe you’ve always been a motivated badass determined to make an impact in your chosen profession.

for me, it’s so i can satisfy my newfound WANDERLUST.



a strong desire to travel.
a (wo)man consumed by wanderlust


confession time ~ reflecting on the last 10-12 years i spent much of my time and money on things that didn’t really matter. i never took time off to travel. instead i worked like a dog and bought STUFF! what kind of stuff? CRAP = clothes that no longer fit, cars i no longer own and home furnishings i sold on craigslist for a fraction of what i paid. not anymore!

one reason i work late – is so i can justify my intense desire to visit new places, eat totally different and crazy cuisines, and learn more about myself and this amazing world.

which explains why i’ll be jetting away to Thailand tonight!

wait…did you get that? Thailand!! omg i’m so stoked!

i plan on:

  • riding elephants
  • feeding tigers
  • taking cooking classes
  • scheduling relaxing massages
  • unplugging from social media
  • etc., etc.

i’m sharing this story to remind you how important it is to take time for yourself and live out your dreams while you are still able. if you’ve been saying, i’ll do it tomorrow or i’ll do it next month, or i’ll do it next {crazy procrastinated date} ~ the truth is, you may never do it. the time is NOW!

so, I want to ask you – what’s driving you? is it your family? are you a travel junkie like me? do you want more cash flow so you can do more amazing things? whatever it is that’s motivating you, i encourage you to remember your WHY and make an effort to do something towards it. whether that’s planning your next family trip or simply scheduling a much needed massage. we all need time to relax, unwind, debrief, and have fun, so that we can perform our best at work, at home, and in life.

to all my amazing clients and people i work with ~ i hope you understand, that this is my WHY. but don’t worry, i will not be completely off the map. i’ll be checking emails every now and then to make sure that a bomb hasn’t exploded while i’m gone. 😉

speaking of bombs, you are DA BOMB for understanding that this girl needs a serious vacay. i am so grateful that you are allowing me to take a much needed break so i can create some awesome memories. while i am away for two weeks, everything will be handled by my awesome team ~ and i promise to get back to you by June 1st. 

much love!

